Viking Shipbuilders Tool ( AXE )
Age - 8th - 10th Century
Discovered - Europe
This artifact was discovered on Viking Village & campsites by metal detectorists working to save as much of this history before 20th century development erase or destroy these remnants of their presence forever.
The Vikings were a seafaring people who relied heavily on their ships for both warfare and trade. Viking ships were crucial to their success in exploration and conquest, and their shipbuilding techniques were highly advanced for their time.
Viking ships were designed to be both fast and maneuverable, with the ability to navigate shallow waters and withstand rough seas. They were typically made of oak planks, with a long, narrow shape that allowed them to glide through the water with ease. Viking ships also had a shallow draft, which made them ideal for navigating the rivers and estuaries of Europe, as well as for raiding along the coasts.
The construction of Viking ships was a complex and time-consuming process, requiring a high level of skill and expertise. Viking shipbuilders used a technique known as clinker building, which involved overlapping planks and securing them with iron rivets. This method made the ships strong and flexible, able to withstand the stresses of sailing in rough waters.
Viking shipbuilders were highly respected members of Viking society, and their expertise was essential to the success of Viking expeditions. They were responsible for the construction and maintenance of the ships, as well as for the design and innovation of new shipbuilding techniques. Their skill and knowledge were passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that the Vikings remained a formidable naval power for centuries.
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