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Prepare Your Own Fossil Fish

Each box contains an authentic 52 million year old fossil fish from the Green River Formation. Each fish is a real treasure and was found by our American Fossil team just for you to prepare. Because these are authentic fossils, we have no way of knowing what each fish looks like, or how complete they are. 


Kit Includes

  • Unprepared Fish Fossil
  • Cleanign Tool
  • PVA
  • Fossil Dig Coupon


Fossil fish from the Green River formation are some of the coolest things you can find in the world of fossils! These fish lived a long, long time ago, back when the world looked very different than it does today. The Green River formation is a special place in the United States where lots of these fossil fish have been found.


When you look at a fossil fish from the Green River formation, you're looking at a fish that lived around 50 million years ago! That's way before any people were around to see them swimming in the rivers. These fish were preserved in a special way, which is why we can still see them today. Over millions of years, the fish bones and other parts of their bodies were slowly replaced by minerals, turning them into rock.


One of the really cool things about these fossil fish is that they look almost the same as the fish we see swimming around today! You might recognize some of the types of fish, like trout and perch. Even though they're millions of years old, they still look like the fish you can catch in a lake or river today. It's like looking at a picture of an animal that's been frozen in time!


Prepare Your Own Fossil Fish

SKU: Prepare Your Own Fossil Fish
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