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Paleoindian Mammoth and Mastodon Kill Sites of North America

By: Jason Pentrail - Autographed Copy

Paperback – November 2, 2021


The discovery of Clovis projectile points and tools at Blackwater Draw, New Mexico in the 1930s forever changed the face of American archaeology. This enigmatic technocomplex left stone and bone tools scattered among the remains of mammoths and mastodons across North and Central America. While it would require many years of rigorous research and excavation, the story of these early hunter-gatherers is slowly beginning to emerge.


In this volume, Jason Pentrail gathers the data from the known paleoindian mammoth and mastodon kill sites and assembles it in a direct fashion for the general reader. This volume discusses each site with a focus on the discovery, evidence, and role each site plays in the ever-growing story of North America's earliest inhabitants.

Paleoindian Mammoth and Mastodon Kill Sites of North America

SKU: Paleoindian Book

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