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Early Mammal Skull

Age - 40 - 30 Million Years Old

Eocene - Oligocene Epoch

Species - Oreodont

Bone Type - Skull

Discovered - South Dakota, White River Formation 


** Oreodont **

Merycoidodontoidea sometimes called "oreodonts" or "ruminating hogs", is an extinct superfamily of prehistoric cud-chewing artiodactyls with short faces and fang-like canine teeth. As their name implies, some of the better-known forms were generally hog-like, and the group has traditionally been placed within the Suina, though some recent work suggests they may have been more closely related to camels. "Oreodont" means "mountain teeth", referring to the appearance of the molars. Most oreodonts were sheep-sized, though some genera grew to the size of cattle. They were heavy-bodied, with short four-toed hooves and comparatively long tails.

Early Mammal Oreodont Skull

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