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Trinitite ~ 1st Atomic Bomb Detonation

Trinity Nuclear Bomb Test Site

Alamogordo, New Mexico

July 16, 1945


- When the first A-Bomb was detonated, the explosion sucked in sand, rock, and earth where it was liquified in the bombs core at tempratures never seen before on earth.

- It rained down that molten earth as a green radioactive glass now called trinitite.

- This is a piece of that 1st Nuclear Explosion!


Trinitite, otherwise called atomsite or Alamogordo glass, is the smooth buildup left on the desert floor after the plutonium-put together Trinity atomic bomb test with respect to July 16, 1945, close to Alamogordo, New Mexico. The glass is fundamentally made out of arkosic sand made out of quartz grains and feldspar (both microcline and more modest measure of plagioclase with limited quantity of calcite, hornblende and augite in a framework of sandy mud) that was liquefied by the nuclear impact. It was first scholastically portrayed in American Mineralogist in 1948.


It is generally a light green, albeit red trinitite was likewise found in one part of the impact site, and intriguing bits of dark trinitite additionally framed. It is somewhat radioactive however protected to deal with.


Bits of the material might in any case be found at the Trinity site starting around 2018, albeit a large portion of it was demolished and covered by the United States Atomic Energy Commission in 1953.


1st Atomic Bomb Detonation - Trinitite

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