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Dumortierite is a stone of support, as it helps with those who may feel less than confident in thought and idea. It also assists in staying true and in standing up for one's self. It is a perfect stone for families. For children, Dumortierite helps to reduce excitability and stubbornness. For parents, it is an excellent stone for calm and patience.
Dumortierite is a fibrous variably colored aluminium boro-silicate mineral, Al₇BO₃(SiO₄)₃O₃. Dumortierite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system typically forming fibrous aggregates of slender prismatic crystals
Dumortierite is a stone of support, as it helps with those who may feel less than confident in thought and idea. It also assists in staying true and in standing up for one's self. It is a perfect stone for families. For children, Dumortierite helps to reduce excitability and stubbornness. For parents, it is an excellent stone for calm and patience.
Dumortierite is a fibrous variably colored aluminium boro-silicate mineral, Al₇BO₃(SiO₄)₃O₃. Dumortierite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system typically forming fibrous aggregates of slender prismatic crystals…
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